From wikipedia:
"Ex-votos ("from a vow") are different from retablos in that they often depict the story that led to their commission. These stories recall dangerous or threatening events that actually occurred, and which the person survived, thanks to the intercession of a sacred person - God, Mary or a saint. They are made as a way of thanking the sacred person for protection in precarious situations, such as surviving an illness or earthquake. On a strict definition, this class of ex-votos should display the protected humans in the dangerous situation, and the sacred person who protected them, usually with an inscribed explanation of the events, with the date and location. "
"I give thanks to Saint Sherman, kitten of the crochet, for the miracle of helping guide me through the craziness of making a sweater for an elephant. When the stress of the project tried to crush me, his cuteness came to the rescue, and in the end I did not die." (Sherman is my cat)
Long story short, i kind of fell in love with this retablo, and was a little superstitious that if i gave it away before the miracle of surviving happened, then it would bring bad luck to the project. So at the last minute i had to come up with a new retablo which i would be able to give away. I think i did a pretty good job, and it still relates to what i'm working on, and relates to Day of the Dead and the tradition of sugar skulls. Hopefully someone will buy it and it will raise a little money for one of my favorite non-profits. (I will try and upload a better picture soon).